Thursday, December 9, 2010

Podcasting Workshop :)

Friday the 26th of November , two lovely men, Chris and Steven came into the school and we had a podcasting workshop. It was great fun , a lovely way to finish off a friday afternoon in school.
First of all they talked to us about how someone can make a podcast. If you go into iTunes U it is really easy to do podcasting. The word podcast comes from the words broadcast and ipod because a podcast is basically a broadcast for an ipod.
After they showed us how to do one we were all seperated into groups and we made our very own podcast. My group done a song called Pass out and we were impersonating Gillain Mc Keith on ' Im a Celebrity Get me Out of Here'. It was really fun and also hilarious to do. It took us little over an hour to make a 1 minute podcast. After we had them alll done we all came together and listened to everyones podcasts. It was really good and everyone done brilliant for a first podcast.
Overall it was a brilliant day and i hope to do more podcasting throughout the year :)

Heres a link to Chris and Stevens website here 

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